P. 10

                Company pro le • Firmepro l  • Pro l d’enterprise • El per l de la empresa

          Company profile                                     Key Points

          Since 1970, Raccorderie Metalliche is a leading manufacturer in  Raccorderie Metalliche’s success is the result of several factors:
          the European civil & industrial plumbing sector landscape.  knowledge, quality, a wide range of products, particular
          Since 2014 we are present in the shipbuilding sector and the   ability to understand customer requirements.

                                                                Continuous research and development of innovative
                                                                seamless carbon steel

          Every day, more than 400 employees are committed to full   Continuous quality control and improvement resulting
          Raccorderie Metalliche’s mission.                     in a high quality level.
                                                                conformity with environment and workers’ safety
          tions in terms of both product and pro-               Constant availability and traceability of products in
          cess and take the use of press fitting                our warehouses.
          systems into particular consideration;
          these  solutions  allow  fitters  to  work            Technicians collaborating with and giving advice to
                                                                the design engineers.
          rapidly, safely and suitably.”
                                                                Fairness, transparency and mutual respect between
                                       (Pier Luigi CECCARDI,    the partners to provide our customers with the best
                 Founder and President of Raccorderie Metalliche)  possible service.

                                                                Constant training and update
                                                                their professional development.

          Our Presence                                          Particular attention to social issues, because we think

          in the World                                          for evolution.

          Raccorderie Metalliche has two production plants in Italy, ex-
          tending over an area of more than 93.000 sq. m, as well as
                                                              Updated on December 2023
          Spain) ensuring the distribution of our products in more than  RM total area____________________________93.000 sq.m
          60 Countries of the world.
                                                                 RM covered area_________________________58.000 sq.m
                                                                 Human  resources____________more than 400  people
                                                                 Domestic sales________________________________37%
             InoxPRES S.A. (Barcelona, Spain):                   Export sales __________________________________63%
                                                                 Presence___________________________in over 60 countries
             portuguese territory.                               Item on catalouge____________________________ 6.114
                                                                 Processed raw materials_________________________________________ 22.500tons/year
                                                                 Patents  __________________________4
             trade development and coordination of our team of   Products Certi–cations  __________________________102
             promoters in Germany.

             Raccorderie Metalliche FRANCE SARL (Lyon, France):
             trade development and coordination of our sales
             structure in France.
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