P. 132

Adattatori in ottone per dadi ridotti a battuta piana con o-ring in HNBR
                                  Brass adapters for reduced nuts with o-rings in HNBR

                 Codice          DN             Pz./conf.            €/confez.          €/Pz.    Conf./box
                 Code                           Pcs./pack              €/pack           €/Pcs    Packs/box
             A03-0001-07053      32-12             1                    18,40            18,40      -
             A03-0001-07018      32-15             1                    18,40            18,40      -
             A03-0001-07019     32-20              1                    18,40            18,40      -
             A03-0001-07020     32-25              1                    18,40            18,40      -
             A03-0001-07021     40-15              1                    24,50            24,50      -
             A03-0001-07022     40-20              1                    24,50            24,50      -
             A03-0001-07023     40-25              1                    23,40            23,40      -
             A03-0001-07024     40-32              1                    30,60            30,60      -
             A03-0001-07025     50-15              1                    31,80            31,80      -
             A03-0001-07026     50-20              1                    31,80            31,80      -
             A03-0001-07027     50-25              1                    31,80            31,80      -
             A03-0001-07028     50-32              1                    29,80            29,80      -
             A03-0001-07029     50-40              1                    29,80            29,80      -

                                  Raccordi giunto maschio in ottone con filettatura maschio EN 10226
                                  Brass male joint with EN 10226 male thread

                 Codice      DN   Filettatura EN 10226   Pz./conf.      €/confez.         €/Pz.   Conf./box
                 Code               EN 10226 thread  Pcs./pack            €/pack          €/Pcs   Packs/box
             A03-0001-06994  32        R 1" 1/4         1                  28,10           28,10     -
             A03-0001-06995  40        R 1" 1/2         1                  41,40          41,40      -
             A03-0001-06996  50        R 2"             1                  57,90          57,90      -

                                  Raccordi giunto femmina in ottone con filettatura femmina EN 10226
                                  Brass female joint with EN 10226 female thread

                 Codice     DN    Filettatura EN 10226   Pz./conf.      €/confez.         €/Pz.   Conf./box
                 Code              EN 10226 thread  Pcs./pack            €/pack          €/Pcs    Packs/box

             A03-0001-06991  32       RP 1" 1/4        1                   24,10          24,10      -
             A03-0001-06992  40       RP 1" 1/2        1                   34,50          34,50      -
             A03-0001-06993  50        RP 2"           1                   53,00          53,00      -

            132    Sistemi di tubazioni per impianti gas / Tubing systems for gas installations
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