P. 19


            Modello Filtro  Class.   Class.    N° filtri    Modello VL    Posizione del filtro  Manutenzione  Vita filtro*
                        EN779:2012  ISO16890:2016  per set  compatibile
            P-250F-E       G3       Coarse 55%  1     VL-250CZPVU-L/R-E  RA, OA    Filtro lavabile
                                                                                   (ogni 6 mesi)
                                                                                                Sostituzione filtro dopo 4 lavaggi
            P-350F-E       G3       Coarse 55%  1     VL-350CZPVU-L/R-E  RA, OA    Filtro lavabile    oppure se danneggiato
                                                                                   (ogni 6 mesi)

            P-500F-E       G3       Coarse 55%  1     VL-500CZPVU-L/R-E  RA, OA    Filtro lavabile
                                                                                   (ogni 6 mesi)

            P-250PF-E      M6      ePM2.5 50%   1     VL-250CZPVU-L/R-E  RA, OA, SA  Filtro usa e getta non lavabile

                                                                                                 Approssimativamente 1 anno
                                                                                                     se usato in SA.
            P-350PF-E      M6      ePM2.5 50%   1     VL-350CZPVU-L/R-E  RA, OA, SA  Filtro usa e getta non lavabile  Approssimativamente 6 mesi
                                                                                                    se usato su RA, OA

            P-500PF-E      M6      ePM2.5 50%   1     VL-500CZPVU-L/R-E  RA, OA, SA  Filtro usa e getta non lavabile
                           Required information for RVU in
                       Filtro NOx  - Efficienza rimozione del 90%
                           COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No. 1254/2014 ANNEX
            P-250NF-E          per NO2          1     VL-250CZPVU-L/R-E  MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC  Filtro usa e getta non lavabile
                            (a)  Supplier's   name
                            (b)  Model name                         VL-500CZPVU-L-E
                                                                     Cold region : -81.1
                       Filtro NOx - Efficienza rimozione del 90%
                            (c)  E S  per NO2  ) ) a . 2           Average region : -42.1
                               k (   C
                                 ( / h
            Required information for RVU in
 Required information for RVU in  P-350NF-E     1     VL-350CZPVU-L/R-E  Warm region :  Filtro usa e getta non lavabile  Approssimativamente 6 mesi
 COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No. 1254/2014 ANNEX    (d)  Declared typology  RVU,BVU
            COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No. 1254/2014 ANNEX
                               MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC
 (a)  Supplier's name  (a)  Supplier's name  (e)  Type of drive  MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC  VARIABLE_SPEED_DRIVE
 (b)  Model name  (b)  Model name  Filtro NOx - Efficienza rimozione del 90%   VL-350CZPVU-L-E  Recuperative
                              Type of HRS
                               per NO2  -81.4
                                Cold region :
            P-500NF-E       (g)  Thermal efficiency (%)  Cold region : -81.1  VL-500CZPVU-L/R-E  87.6 SA  Filtro usa e getta non lavabile
                               Average r
                                  egion : -42.5
 (c)  E S  k (   C  W  ( / h  m  ) ) a . 2  (c)  E S  k (   C  W  ( / h  m  ) ) a . 2  (h)  Maximum flow rate (m3/h)  Average region : -42.1  580
                               Warm region : -17.6  Warm region : -17.2
                            (i)  Electric power input (W)              300
 (d)  Declared typology  (d)  Declared typology  Casing sound power level (dB)  RVU,BVU  50
 (e)  Type of drive  (e)  Type of drive  (j)  VARIABLE_SPEED_DRIVE  VARIABLE_SPEED_DRIVE
                              Reference flow rate (m3/s)
               Type of HRS
 (f)  Type of HRS  Classe energetica A+ in tutte le taglie     Modulazione della portata aria
 (g)  Thermal efficiency (%)  (g)  Thermal efficiency (%)  (l)  Reference pressure difference (Pa)  87  50
 (h)  Maximum flow rate (m3/h)  (h)  Maximum flow rate (m3/h)  (m)  SPI  (W/(m3/h))  380  0.30
               Electric power input (W)
 (i)  Electric power input (W)  Tutte le taglie raggiungono la classe più elevata di efficienza energetica.   Il  motore  inverter  dei  ventilatori,  progettato  e  prodotto  da  Mitsubishi
                                                                   0.65, Local demand control
                              Control factor and typology
 (j)  Casing sound power level (dB)  (j)  Casing sound power level (dB)  (o)  Maximum leakage rate (%)  51  5%
 (k)  Reference flow rate (m3/s)  Il  cuore  del  nuovo  modello  della  famiglia  VL  è  rappresentato  da  uno   Electric, garantisce la massima resa con il minimo consumo energetico e
               Reference flow rate (m3/s)
                              Mixing rate of non-ducted
               Reference pressure difference (Pa)
                                                                                   ErP A+
 (l)  Reference pressure difference (Pa) scambiatore  di  calore  ad  altissima  efficienza  in  materiale  plastico  che   permette di modulare dal 25% fino al 100% la velocità di ventilazione in
 (m)  SPI  (W/(m3/h))  (m)  SPI  (W/(m3/h))  0.26  0.28         Filter maintenance sign is displayed on
                                                                the dedicated remote controller.
                               Local demand control
                                               Local demand control
 (n)  Control factor and typology  permette di recuperare oltre il 90% del calore sensibile assicurando così   immissione e in estrazione (incrementi/decrementi di +/- 1%) Quest’ampia
               Control factor and typology
                              Visual filter warning
                                                                Refer to the Maintenance section in the
 (o)  Maximum leakage rate (%)  un consistente risparmio energetico ed economico.  5%  fascia di modulazione garantisce una taratura semplificata dell’unità con
               Maximum leakage rate (%)
                                                                instruction book.
 (p)  Mixing rate of non-ducted   (p)  Mixing rate of non-ducted   -  -
                                              Refer to instruction book
                              Refer to instruction book
 (q)  Visual filter warning  (q)  Visual filter warning  (r)  Instructions to install regulated supply/exhaust grilles for unidirectional ventilation  l’impianto di distribuzione.
               Instructions to install regulated supply/exhaust grilles for unidirectional ventilation
 (r)  Instructions to install regulated supply/exhaust grilles for unidirectional ventilation  (s)  Internet address for disassembly instructions  -
 (s)  Internet address for disassembly instructions  (s)  Internet address for disassembly instructions  (t)  -
                              Airflow sensitivity for non-ducted units
 (t)  Airflow sensitivity for non-ducted units  (t)  Airflow sensitivity for non-ducted units  (u)  air tightness for non-ducted units  -  -
 (u)  air tightness for non-ducted units  (u)  air tightness for non-ducted units  -  -  Average region : 2.0
                               Average region : 1.8
                                  ErP A+
 (v)   AEC (kWh/a)  (v)   AEC (kWh/a)  (v)   AEC (kWh/a)  Average region : 1.9  Cold region : 90.8
                                Cold region : 90.6  Cold region : 90.6
                                k (     S
                                     e   y r a
                                   i r p   h
 (w)  A H  k (     S  W  i r p   h  m  e   y r a  n  ) a / y g r e  (w)  A H  k (     S  W  i r p   h  m  e   y r a  n  ) a / y g r e  (w)  A  Average region : 46.3 r e n  ) a / y g   Average region : 46.3   Average region : 46.4
                               Warm region :  20.9  Warm region :  20.9  Warm region :  21.0
                                                                     P (Static Pressure)  100%  Rated
                                                                                                     Q (Air ow)
                                      N20SGGT0059     N20SGGT0061
                                                                               Fan Speed       Velocità ventilazione
                                                                     1          Normal        30% (impostaz. Fabbrica)
                                                                     2          Medium        50% (impostaz. Fabbrica)
                                                                     3          Boost         70% (impostaz. Fabbrica)
                                                                     4          Purge         100% (impostaz. Fabbrica)
 P (Static Pressure)                               100%                Rated                                     17
                                                                                   Q (Air ow)
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