Page 276 - NICCONS - LISTINO 2022
P. 276

Prodotti chimici                                                                          Chemical products

 Repair and research a/c losses           Repair and research a/c losses

 LUBRIFICANTE PER CARTELLE / Lubricant for flares  PULITORE ADDITIVO UV / UV additive remover

 Capacity  Capacity       Capacity      Capacity
 (L)  (pint)                (L)           (pint)
 LUBRIFAST100  1x100 ml  1x0,21 pint  12 pz  9,66  UV 400 L  1x400 ml  1x0,84 pint  12 pz  14,49
 LUBRIFAST200  1x200 ml  1x0,42 pint  12 pz  10,71

 Questo olio è studiato per lubrificare   This oil is designed to lubricate the   Spray pulitore additivo UV 400ml.  UV additive remover spray 400ml
 la cartella. Indicato per la lubrifica-  flare. Suitable for lubrication during   (0,84 pint).
 zione durante la cartellatura e prima   flaring and before tightening with
 del serraggio con chiavi dinamome-  torque wrenches.

 ADDITIVI UV SIRINGA / UV tracer  CERCAFUGHE A BOLLE / Bubble leak detector

 Capacity  Capacity       Capacity     Capacity
 (L)  (pint)                 (L)         (pint)
 TRFL12P  12x7,5 ml  12x0,015 pint  12 pz  23,46  CFB100L  1x100 ml  1x0,21 pint  12 pz  8,97
 TRFPOE12P*  12x7,5 ml  12x0,015 pint  12 pz  33,80  DETECT750ML  1x750 ml  1x1,57 pint  12 pz  17,93

 * A base POE / POE based
 Confezione di 12 x 7,5 ml di ADDITIVO   Pack of 12 x 7,5 ml (0,015 pint) of UV   Studiato come cerca fughe di gas o   Developed as leak detector for gas
 UV in siringa per gas R134a / R410 /   ADDITIVE in syringe for gas R134a /   aria compressa negli impianti, nelle   or pressurized air in the installa-
 R32.  R410 / R32.  tubazioni, nei serbatoi in pressione e   tions, piping pressurized tanks and
       nelle bombole.                     cylinders.

 ADATTATORI PER SIRINGHE / Adapters for syringes  KIT OCCHIALI E LAMPADA UV / Glass kit and UV lamp

 ADF5-16  5/16” SAE  5 pz  11,73  KITLAOCUV  1 pz             72,44
 ADF1-4  1/4” SAE  5 pz  11,73

 Adattatore con valvola di non ritor-  Adapter with check valve.  Lampada UV con batteria e occhiali   UV lamp with battery and UV pro-
 no.   protettivi UV.                     tective glasses.

 Prezzo al pezzo / Price per piece.  Prezzo al pezzo / Price per piece.

 274  MADE IN ITALY  MADE IN ITALY                                                                                275
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