P. 37

Technical and drinking waters - Swimming pools                                                                                        Acque tecniche e potabili - Piscine

                                              Quick guide to products selection

                                                      APPL I c A t I o N

                              Heating-cooling circuits, biofilm formation
                                       Evaporation towers, cooling circuits, paper industry

                                                 Drinking water circuits, tanks, water supply networks
                   PR ODUCT  PAGE                               Air refresheners, sanitizing tunnels

                                                                   Food equipment, laundries, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries,
                                                                    industrial water
                                                                             Swimming pools, fountains, fire baths
                                                                              Active ingredients
                                                        Properties   Fragrance  Autorizzazioni  Authorizations  Line logo
                                                                     Odour  Registrazioni    Registrations
                                                                           Classe PT         PT class
              ALGACID                                   Liquid sanitizer with   Characteristic   Sodium hypochlorite   Biocide pending
              CLORINE    84                             antibacterial   of chlorine          for approval - PT 2
                                                        and anti-algae action

                                                        Anticorrosive   None   2,2-Dibromo-3-Nitrile-
              POLIKIL    81                             anti-scaling sanitizer  propionamide DBNPA  Reg. BAUA* - PT 11

                                                        Sanitizing powder with  Characteristic
              POOL CHLOR  84                            antibacterial and   of chlorine  Troclosene
                                                        anti-algae action

              POOL MENO  85                             Optimal pH reducer  None

              POOL PIU’  85                             Optimal pH Raiser  None

                                                        Sanitizer with triple   Characteristic
              POOL TRIPLEX 85                           anti-algae action,   of chlorine  Simclosene
                                                        bluing and flocculant
              THERMAKIL  79                             Antialga, con azione   None  Salicylic Acid   Reg. BAUA* - PT 11
                                                        antibatterica          Benzoisothiazolinone (BIT)

              THERMAKIL 2X  79                          Anti-algae,   None     Salicylic Acid   Reg. BAUA* - PT 11
              STRONG                                    with antibacterial action  Benzoisothiazolinone (BIT)

                                                        Bactericide, algaecide,              Pending for PMC**
              WL-ASETTIX                                antilegionella, antilyme,  None      registration and
              IPOCHLOR   80                             fungicidal, biological   Hypochlorous acid  Biocides PT - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
                                                        inhibitor                            Reg. BAUA* - PT 2, 5
                                                        Sanitizer for the
                                                        containment of the
              WL-SANIFAST  82                           propagation of bacteria  None  Chlorine dioxide  Biocidal products PT 5
                                                                                             Reg. BAUA* - PT 5
                                                        fungi, yeasts, legionella
                                                        biofilm, virus
                                                        Sanitizer for the
              WL-SANIFAST                               containment of the   None  Chlorine dioxide  Biocidal products PT 5
                                                        propagation of bacteria
              TOP        83                             fungi, yeasts, legionella            Reg. BAUA* - PT 5
                                                        biofilm, virus

                                                    *Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Healt  **Biocide under transitional Legislation

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