P. 200

General sales                                      6. PAYMENT
                                                               The  conditions,  terms  and  payment  modalities  agreed  are
            and warranty conditions                            to be considered binding. The possible acceptance of pay-
                                                               ments made in a different way from the ones as above, will
                                                               be considered as only tolerated by Eurotis SRL and will not
                                                               imply the giving up of the matured interests that will there-
            1. VALIDITY                                        fore remain as due to the customer. The payments are due
            The present international conditions apply to all the con-  in the agreed terms also in case of delay in the arrival of the
            tracts that is to the commercial negotiations between Euro -  goods, of breakdowns or of total or parial losses happened
            tis SRL and its customers that have as subject the delivery   during the transport, and also in case the goods made avail-
            of goods to customers whose registered office and main   able for the customer in Eurotis SRL warehouse would not
            domicile are located in Italy or abroad. The offer, its accept-  be collected from the customer himself. The failure to pay
            ance and the order confirmation are subject to the present   within the agreed terms will cause the debit to the customer
            sales conditions. It is excluded the applicability of any con -  of the interest to be calculated on the interest rate applied
            dition complementary or different from the ones included   by the European Central Bank to its main operations of re-
            in offer, acceptance or other declaration given by the cus-  funding increased of the 7%. Except from different written
            tomer who gives up his own general purchase conditions   indications, the payment of the goods will have to be issued
            considered individually or in the main.            to the registered office of Eurotis SRL.

            2. ORDERS                                          7. SUSPENSION AND RESOLUTION
            All the orders are intended to be taken as bookings without   In case of missed compliance of the customer even in one
            any commitment by Eurotis SRL. In any case will not be dis-  of the agreed sales conditions or in case of variations of any
            pached orders not issued in written form.          kind in the firm name, in the constitution or in the commer-
                                                               cial capacity of the same (here included the winding up) and
            3. PRICES                                          also in case of observed difficulties of the customer in the
            The  prices  applied  by  Eurotis  SRL  are  expressed  only  in   payments  and  also  towards  third  parties,  Eurotis  SRL  may
            Euro, non including VAT, package costs, freight charges, in-  suspend further deliveries.
            surance and, where needed, custom taxes. Those are to be
            intended all at  customer’s expenses. The prices are intend-  8. CLAIMS AND DISPUTES
            ed as agreed upon the terms and conditions of the Price   Possible claims regarding quantity or type of supplied goods
            List of Eurotis SRL effective at the moment of the delivery.   have to be make known in written form to Eurotis SRL within
            The prices, with prior written notice given by Eurotis SRL,   8 days from the receiving of the goods or from the discovery
            may change in consideration of the variation of the raw ma-  in case of non apparent defect, through a description of the
            terial costs, of the production costs and tax rates.  type of defect found. Claims received after the reasonable
                                                               term of 8 days will not be considered valid. In case of sale
            4. SHIPMENT AND DELIVERY TERMS                     to customers whose registered office or main domicile is not
            With exception of different and specific written agreement,   located in Italy the terms as above are extended to 15 days.
            the delivery of the goods to the customer is intended as
            done with the set up of the carrier for the departure at Eu-  9. DECLARATIONS OF THE SELLER
            rotis SRL warehouse (EXW) and with no duty to load it on   Eurotis SRL declares that its products have characteristics
            the mean of transport. The goods are always shipped on   appropriate for the use they are intended for, that are con-
            behalf  of  the  customer  and  at  his  own  risk.  The  delivery   form to the given descriptions and that have the requested
            terms, even if approved by Eurotis SRL are always intend-  qualities  described  in  the  Catalogue  and  in  the  Price  List
            ed as purely suggestive and never essential. The customer   already  in  hand  of  the  customer.  In  case  after  verification
            authorizes Eurotis SRL to draw up the transport contract   carried on by Eurotis SRL is determined the existance of a
            for the delivery of the goods to the customer himself, with   defect in the goods attributable to Eurotis SRL on the basis
            the charge of the related costs to the customer and at his   of the presend sales conditions and this same defect is make
            own risk.                                          known to Eurotis SRL within the terms as per previous point
                                                               no. 8, Eurotis SRL has the right to make a replacement or
            5. RETENTION TITLE                                 repair supply without any additional burden. In case Eurotis
            The transfer of the property of the goods to the custom-  SRL would not want to remove the defect or make a replace-
            er will happen, with all the subsequential effects, at the full   ment supply, the customer might ask, once in vain passed
            payment of the price. Up to that moment there will be, on   the 30 days term from the reception of the communication
            the goods, the retention of title in favour of Eurotis SRL.   as per previous point no. 8, the reduction of the prices or the
            Therefore the customer is only depositary of the goods and   resolution of the contract. In any case the guarantee is com-
            is binded not to even transfer the detention and to make   pletely acquitted with the repair or the free of charge supply
            known to the bailiff in case the same would be subjected to   made by Eurotis SRL for the same quantity of goods claimed
            conservative or executive acts.                    and found defected.

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