P. 201

            SPONSIBILITY                                       Eurotis SRL will have, in any case, the faculty of resolution
            It is excluded any reponsability of Eurotis SRL even for pos-  of the contract for force majeure causes and in general for
            sible damages claimed by third parties, for the use that the   physical or political events, strikes, accidents of biological,
            customer does of the sold goods when this happens with-  phisical or chemical nature beyond Eurotis SRL control.
            out the respect of the related assembly system, of the indi-
            cated components and of the directives of technical spec-  13. JURISDICTION AND APPLICABLE REGULATION
            ifications given by Eurotis SRL and also of the international   Any controversy may arise between the parties in the inteR-
            and national normatives. In particular, the customer guar-  Pretation and execution of the contractual relationship will
            antees that all the information given by Eurotis SRL about   be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of
            the correct use of the products in the area of the “system/  Milan. In case of sale to customers whose registered office
            kit” that they are part of, as also per the european standard   and main domicile are not located in Italy is appliable the
            EN 15266/2007 (and its following possible modifications)   regulation of the Convention of the United Nations on the
            and per any other standard applicable to the same prod-  Contracts of International Trade, adopted in Wien on the
            ucts, will arrive clear and understandable to the final user   11th April 1980 and for what non included in it, the Italian law.
            (installer  -  user).  The  possible  costs  of  translation  in  the   The application of the mentione Convention is excluded in
            adopted languages in the territories of use of the products   case of sale to customers whose registered office and main
            of Eurotis SRL that might be necessary afford are at the   domicile are located in Italy. In case the customer would be
            customer own expenses. It is excluded any responsibility of   also final user, in observance of the art. 1469bis c.c. and of
            Eurotis SRL for the missed respect of this commitment of   the dispositions in the area of use, the dispositions of the
            guarantee from the customer.                       civil process law are applicable.

            Eurotis guarantees its systems and the individual compo-
            nents of these systems if installed completely and exclu-
            sively with the materials produced, controlled and marketed
            by our company. Eurotis does not provide any guarantee
            regarding the compatibility of its pipes in case of assembly
            with fittings and gaskets and, in any case, any other com-
            ponent  of  other  companies  (or  viceversa)  and  therefore
            not checked by its quality department which must always
            certify the conformity of the products before proceeding
            with the distribution on the market. The guarantee on Eu-
            rotis systems, therefore, does not operate in the event of
            flaws and defects due or deriving, even only in part, from
            the use or assembly with fittings, gaskets and any compo-
            nent  of  other  companies  (or  viceversa).  To  make  people
            understand the importance of the topic and the safety that
            the use of a complete system generates, we cite, as an ex-
            planatory example, what is reported by the UNI 7129: 2015
            standard which regulates the installation of gas systems in
            civil homes in Italy and constitutes an obligation for the in-
            staller who certifies the conformity of the system:
            (Par. Seals for PLT-CSST pipes. The terminals and
            / or fittings used for joining the pipes for the PLT-CST sys-
            tem must be supplied by the manufacturer of the system it-
            self and can be made of: - stainless steel compliant with UNI
            EN 10088-3; - copper alloys (for example brass, bronze)
            compliant with UNI EN 12164 and UNI EN 12165. The joining
            process and the materials used must be those indicated by
            the system manufacturer and reported in the “instructions
            and warnings” booklet, with the indications, methods and
            limits of use. The instruction and warning booklet must be
            kept together with gas system documentation.
            (Par. It is not allowed to use components: removed
            from other systems; not intact; other than those declared
            suitable by the manufacturer of the system.

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