Page 109 - ELBI - COMPENDIO 2022
P. 109

Filtri percolatori aerobici
                                 Aerobic percolating filters

                                                          POPULATION   EQUIVALENT  DAILY ORGANIC   LOAD INPUT  FILTER   VOLUME  DIAMETER   Ø x L  PIPES DIAMETER  IN/OUT Ø  HEIGHT  H tot   HEIGHT  H in   HEIGHT     H out

                                 MODEL          CODE     P.E.  KGBOD 5 /G  M 3   MM      MM      MM     MM      MM
                                 FAE 6         A5B1006    6     0.252   850     1310     110    1380    900     150
                                 FAE 9         A5B1009    9     0.378  1150     1310     110    1640    1195    150
                                 FAE 12        A5B1012   12     0.504  1490     1310     110    1900    1470    150
                                 FAE 15        A5B1015   15     0.63   2170     1650     125    1790    1290    150
                                 FAE 18        A5B1018   18     0.756  2740     1650     125    2080    1580    150
                                 FAE 18 H   A5B1018 0000H  18   0.756  2800   1585 x 1920  125/110  1870  1470  170
                                 FAE 25        A5B1025   25     1.05   3310     1650     125    2380    1870    150
                                 FAE 35 H   A5B1035 0000H  35   1.47   4700   1860 x 2380  160/110  2150  1715  170
                                 FAE 35        A5B1035   35     1.47   4700     2270     160    2120    1460    150
                                 FAE 50        A5B1050   50     2.1    6710     2270     160    2650    2000    150
                                 FAE 70        A5B1070   70     2.94   9700   2130 x 3410  160/110  2225  2000  170
                                 FAE 95 M   A5B1000 M0095  95   3.99   13500  2100 x 5370  160/125  2160  1820  150
                                 FAE 125 M   A5B1000 M0125  125  5.25  17600  2100 x 7000  160/125  2160  1820  150
                                 FAE 155 M   A5B1000 M0155  155  6.51  22400  2100 x 8650  160/125  2160  1820  150
                                 FAE 185 M   A5B1000 M0185  185  7.77  26500  2100 x 10250  160/125  2160  1820  150
                                 FAE 215 M   A5B1000 M0215  215  9.03  31300  2100 x 11900  160/125  2160  1820  150
                                 FAE 245 M   A5B1000 M0245  245  10.29  35500  2100 x 13500  160/125  2160  1820  150
                                 La lettera H identifica l’uso degli interri orizzontali CU. La lettera M identifica l’uso dell’interro modulare. / The letter H means the use of the horizontal CU
                                 tanks. The letter M means the use of the modular tank.

                                 FAE Disegni tecnici
                                 FAE Technical drawings

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