Page 4 - ELBI - COMPENDIO 2022
P. 4

Established in 1965 as a steel works company at Vigodarzere near Padua, elbi has always
                       distinguished itself for the large variety of products and its international vocation. The
                       company has been operating for about 50 years in the field of thermo hydraulics, gradually
                       achieving a solid reputation and standing in the major world markets.

                       Originally established as a producer of hot water cylinders   giene and decor.
                       and central-heating boilers, after about a decade of activity   In 2001 a new production facility was opened in Modu-
                       in this field the company dedicated its efforts to the pro-  gno (BA), mainly dedicated to the manufacture of products
                       duction of tanks for the thermo hydraulics industry.  made of rotational-moulded polyethylene.
                       In  the  mid  70’s  Elbi began  producing  surge tanks  and   Elbi’s activity in the Environmental Services started in 2006
                       BLADDER expansion tanks, becoming one of the major   and is mainly focused as preventive maintenance which is
                       European manufacturers in the field of Thermo hydraulics.   performed by special purpose structures (local units) whe-
                       In 1981, having overgrown the capacity of the Vigodarzere   re only  qualified personnel are  employed and  adequate
                       facility, the company moved to its present headquarters in   equipment used. In 2006 Elbi also started the Playground
                       Limena, thus expanding its production capacity.  Division becoming the Italian distributor of a range of play-
                       In 1989 the company branched off into a new line of pro-  ground equipment for parks and schools offering a range
                       ducts, processing plastic materials and manufacturing ro-  for children from 18 months through 16 years of age.
                       tational-moulded polyethylene tanks.       In 2008 Elbi also entered the Well-being market, becoming
                       In  1990 Elbi  of America, Inc.  was  founded in  Houston,   the Italian distributor of a range composed of an innovati-
                       Texas. Initially the new company concentrated on simple   ve “well-being track” formed by several sporting gear that
                       marketing/sales activities, learning about the culture and   facilitates open-air physical exercise in adults and elderly
                       mentality of the vast and complex American continent.  people. In 2008 a new business unit consisting of design
                       In 1994 the Green System sales division was established   products for the furniture market took shape. The need to
                       to manufacture and market pots for plants and flowers   manage a new brand dedicated to such target brought
                       made of rotational-moulded polyethylene. Thus the com-  about a restyling of the traditional Green System Division,
                       pany entered the new market of gardening, which enabled   thus giving life to the TWENTYFIRST Division, distingui-
                       it to expand its know-how both in the technological and   shed in GARDENART for the traditional collection of gar-
                       marketing fields.                          den pots, and LIVINGART for the collection of furnishing
                       Firmly established in the American market, in 1996 Elbi of   accessories for the living market.
                       America became  the official  manufacturing headquarters   Today, Elbi concentrates its production activities in the bu-
                       for the fixed-bladder tanks, thus bringing production closer   siness divisions (Thermo-hydraulics - Environment - 21st
                       to the target market. The company’s third sales division,   Garden Art - 21st Living Art) whose products are manu-
                       Environment, was established in 1997 to design and pro-  factured in the production plants in Limena and Modugno,
                       duce containers and bells for selective collection of waste,   yet again confirming the company’s industrial reality.
                       and to market a wide range of accessories for urban hy-

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