Page 7 - ELBI - COMPENDIO 2022
P. 7


                              VASI DI ESPANSIONE E          Pag.                    BOLLITORI / PREPARATORI DI     Pag.
                              AUTOCLAVI A MEMBRANA                                  ACQUA CALDA E ACCUMULI
                              EXPANSION TANK AND                                    INERZIALI
                              BLADDER AUTOCLAVES                                    HOT WATER TANKS -

                              Autoclavi a membrana per acqua   10
                              sanitaria / Bladder autoclaves for                    Bollitori con accumulo integrato /   27
                              sanitary water                                        DHW cylinder with integrated buffer tank
                              AS/AC | AF | HI-NOX | AFV-Z                           I-BOLL

                              Serbatoi polifunzionali / Multi-  14                  Termoaccumulatori polivalenti in   28
                              functional tanks                                      materiale plastico / Multipurpose
                              DP | DE | DL | MICRON | SANY                          plastic multy energy buffer tanks
                                                                                    Q-PUFFER | Q-PUFFER S |
                              Vasi di espansione per          17                    Q-PPS1 | Q-CQS | Q-CQP| Q-CHP
                              riscaldamento / Expansion tanks for
                              heating                                               Bollitori sanitari vetrificati / Domestic   34
                              AC-2/ER | ERCE | ERP | ONE                            hot water glasslined cylinders
                                                                                    BSH | BSV | BSP | BSM | BST | BSPT
                              Vasi per impianti solari / Tanks for   20
                              solar systems                                         Bollitori sanitari vetrificati con   45
                              DS | STP                                              scambiatore estraibile / Glasslined
                                                                                    cylinders with removable heat exchanger
                                                                                    BF1 | BF2 | BF3 | BG | SAC

                              SERBATOI ZINCATI              Pag.                    Bollitori sanitari in acciaio INOX /   52
                              SERBATOI ZINCATI                                      Stainless steel DHW cylinders
                                                                                    BXV | BXP | BXT | BXPT

                              Serbatoi per aria compressa / Tanks   22              Termoaccumulatori combinati / Multy   56
                              for compressed air                                    energy buffer tanks
                              AIR                                                   COMBI | COMBI QUICK

                              Autoclavi a cuscino d’aria -    24                    Termoaccumulatori con modulo     60
                              montaliquidi / Autoclaves with air                    per produzione istantanea di ACS /
                              cushion - air-cushion liquid raising                  Buffer tanks with instant DHW production
                              systems                                               module and additional heat exchanger
                              ACZ                                                   QUICKLY | QUICKLY-1 | H2-FAST

                              Serbatoi zincati per acqua fredda,   26               Puffer / Puffer                  64
                              omologati CE / Galvanized tanks for                   PUFFER | PUFFER PLUS | PPS-1 |
                              cold water, CE certified                              PPS2
                                                                                    Accumulatori inerziali per acqua    72
                                                                                    refrigerata e impianti caldo/freddo /
                                                                                    Inertial accumulators for cold water and
                                                                                    air conditioning/ heating systems
                                                                                    ACP | AR | ARZ | ACF | SXC

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