P. 348

                          BRASS BAR DISTRIBUTION MANIFOLDS

                          Utilizzabili con cassetta 1810, 1812, 1920-1930 e 1939-1940 (pag. 342)
                          Use with box 1810, 1812, 1920-1930 and 1939-1940 (pag. 342)

                                    3030                                              1290
                                    3031                                              Raccordo maschio con attacco
                                    3032                                              G1/2” per collettori da barra con
                                    Collettore da barra in ottone                     Fitting male  with O-ring, G1/2”
                                    CW617N con interasse 50 mm e                      for brass manifolds
                                    uscite 1/2” femmina Foro 3/8”
                                    su lato opposto                                         1/2”      3/4”
                                    Brass bar manifold made of                               16        18
                                    CW617N. Distance between
                                    centres 50 mm with 1/2” female
                                    3/8” bore on the opposite side
                                                                Codice     Tipo         Prezzo €   Conf.
                                                                Code       Size         Price €    Unit/Box
                                                                164 0038    G1/2” - 1/2”(ø16)      10/300
                                                                164 0020    G1/2” - 3/4”(ø18)      10/300
              Codice  Mandata N. vie  Uscite  Prezzo €  Conf.
              Code    Delivery  Ways  Outlets  Price €  Unit/Box
               197 0026  3/4”G  2    1/2”G          1/70                              1450
               197 0070  3/4”G  3    1/2”G          1/45                              Raccordo diritto maschio con
               197 0076  3/4”G  4    1/2”G          1/30                              attacco G1/2” con O-Ring, tubo
                                                                                      PE-X per collettori barra
               197 0087  3/4”G  5    1/2”G          1/25                              Straight fitting male with
               197 0092  3/4”G  6    1/2”G          1/35                              O-ring G1/2” PE-X pipe for bar
               197 0101  3/4”G  7    1/2”G          1/15
                                                                Codice      Tipo       Prezzo €   Conf.
               197 0100  3/4”G  8    1/2”G          1/15        Code        Size       Price €    Unit/Box
               197 0099  3/4”G  9    1/2”G          1/10        140 0636    G1/2” - 14 x 2,0       10/250
               197 0107  3/4”G  10   1/2”G          1/25        140 0239    G1/2” - 16 x 2,0       10/250
                                                                140 0090    G1/2” - 16 x 2,2       10/250
               197 0063  1”G  2      1/2”G          1/45
                                                                140 0248    G1/2” - 20 x 2,0       5/150
               197 0036  1”G  3      1/2”G          1/35
                                                                140 0174    G1/2” - 20 x 2,8       5/150
               197 0032  1”G  4      1/2”G          1/20
               197 0034  1”G  5      1/2”G          1/20
               197 0047  1”G  6      1/2”G          1/20
               197 0050  1”G  7      1/2”G          1/20
               197 0037  1”G  8      1/2”G          1/20
               197 0049  1”G  9      1/2”G          1/8
               197 0078  1”G  10     1/2”G          1/8
               197 0084  1”G  11     1/2”G          1/8
               197 0073  1”G  12     1/2”G          1/8

               197 0102  1”1/4 G  2  1/2”G          1/30
               197 0094  1”1/4 G  3  1/2”G          1/20
               197 0085  1”1/4 G  4  1/2”G          1/12
               197 0083  1”1/4 G  5  1/2”G          1/12
               197 0067  1”1/4 G  6  1/2”G          1/15
               197 0072  1”1/4 G  7  1/2”G          1/15
               197 0066  1”1/4 G  8  1/2”G          1/15
               197 0090  1”1/4 G  9  1/2”G          1/5
               197 0095  1”1/4 G  10  1/2”G         1/5
               197 0108  1”1/4 G  11  1/2”G         1/5
               197 0098  1”1/4 G  12  1/2”G         1/5
             Fino ad esaurimento scorta/ until out of stock
                 Per tabella giri di serraggio vedi fine del capitolo  Per staffe e cassette vedi paragrafo “Guida al montaggio“ cap. 24
                 For nut tightenings table see end of chapter      For brackets and boxes see the paragraph “Mounting guide“ cap. 24

            328                                                            For pricelist scan the QR code
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