P. 59

Air systems treatment guidelines

            osmotized or dermatologically on sensitive skin,      Main microorganisms   Concentration ppm   Contact time
            oral mucosa, corneal cells, nasal epithelium and                         (parts per million) or mg/l
            alveolar cells. Active chlorine released from hypo-   Aspergillus fumigatus   200          60 seconds
            chlorous acid is not listed in any group of substan-  Bacillus cereus (spore)   200        5 minutes
            ces monitored and no specific occupational expo-      Escherichia coli   100               30 seconds
            sure  limits  have been  identified. In  the  context  of   Legionella pneumophila   25    60 seconds
            water treatment, for the dosage of the product at     Pseudomonas aeruginosa  500          10 minutes
            the injection point, the spontaneous loss of active   Candida albicans   100               60 seconds
            chlorine and that resulting from the concentration in   Salmonella Tiphimurium   100       60 seconds
            water of the species from oxidize: organic substan-   Streptococco faccium   100           60 seconds
            ces, microorganisms, ferrous and manganese ions       Staphylococcus aureus   93           60 seconds
            and other components. For this reason, the dosage     Salmonella choleraesius   500        10 minutes
                                                                                                       10 minutes
                                                                  Canine parvovirus
            of the product at the injection point is on average   Proteus vulgaris   100               60 seconds
            0.1% corresponding to 1 ml of pro-duct per litre of   Fig. 1 – Report on the antimicrobial efficacy of chlorine dioxide
            treated water (approximately 0.3 ppm). The residual
            concentration of the product can be identified by a   it does not produce known halomethanes, and has
            common test for the cleaner nation of free chlorine.   the advantage, unlike chlorine, of not being volatile
            In the case of shock sanitation, the product is fed   at high temperatures. Chlorine Dioxide is interna-
            into  water  until the  concentration  of residual  free   tionally recognized as a water purifying agent and
            chlorine of 20-50 mg/l is reached throughout the     therefore able to neutralize also the Vibrio Chole-
            plant, including distal points. After a period of con-  rae (cholera) in addition to many microorganisms.
            tact of 2 hours, with 20 mg/l of active chlorine, or 1   The concentrations to use vary depending on the
            hour, with 50 mg/l of active chlorine, allow the water   type of disinfection to be carried out and on the
            to flow into the plant until the level of chlorine does   degree of contamination of the water (see the table
            not return within the concentration limits established   in Fig. 1).
            by current regulations (0.2 ppm). In this period of
            time, it is absolutely necessary to avoid the use of
            the utilities involved in shock sanitation (it is appro-
            priate to affix special signs).

            Chlorine dioxide

            The stabilized solutions of Chlorine Dioxide
            WL-SANIFAST are a powerful and effective broad
            spectrum bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal oxi-
            dizing agent able to neutralize also sulphates and
            other harmful or toxic substan-
            ces.  WL-SANIFAST  is  a  stable
            product, safe when used in com-
            pliance with the activation and
            the instructions for use, and it is a
            very effective alternative to chlo-
            rine or hypochlorite, as it does
            not has the disadvantages entai-
            led by the latter. Unlike the latter,
            this product does not release bad
            odours, has an excellent residual
            activity and, most of all, does not
            act  by  chlorination  but  by  pene-
            trating the cell wall of bacteria
            and  eliminating  pathogens.  It’s
            much more It is much faster than
            traditional systems such as gluta-
            raldehyde or quaternary salts, it
            is stable in a very wide pH range,
            and it is also able to attack and
            break up the Biofilm; furthermore,

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