P. 56

Legionella a “dangerous” bacteria

            In fact, the bacteria enters the body through the
            airways by inhalation or aspiration of aerosols. The
            smaller the water drops the greater the amount
            of germs that can easily reach the lower respira-
            tory tract, especially the lungs. Aerosols can come
            from various sources: the opening of a water tap or
            shower of a contaminated water system, whirlpool
            bathtubs and swimming pools; Turkish baths and
            sauna; ornamental fountains especially if placed
            indoors; garden irrigation systems, sanitary wa-
            stewater, cooling towers and evaporative coolers,
            and air-conditioning systems in general. The latter,
            in places where they have been installed, create a
            real Legionella risk if they do not receive adequate
            and regular maintenance.

            Legionella and current legislation

            Italian law regulated the Legionella subject with    Enterobacteria
            a series of official guidelines. These concern the
            prevention  and  control  of  Legionella  infection,  in-  gnosis and environmental control of Legionella in-
            dications for managers of tourist and spa facilities,   fections, G.U.
            indications for microbiological diagnosis and envi-   Legionella infection guidelines stipulate that Le-
            ronmental control laboratories.                      gionella Risk Control Protocol is mandatory for all
            The Ministry of Health drafted these guidelines for   facilities potentially at risk, with reference to all hy-
            the first time in May 2000: they were the first natio-  draulic and air conditioning systems. The protocol
            nal document of legislation on Legionella, aimed at   provides for three phases:
            providing health workers with information updated    1 - Legionella risk assessment: survey of plants (if
            on Legionella infection, various sources of infection,   necessary, through sampling by specialized tech-
            diagnostic methods and epidemiological and envi-     nicians). The evaluation can be carried out with a
            ronmental investigations.                            two-year, one-year frequency
            The regulatory framework refers to the following     when the situation requires timely monitoring (in
            evidence, to which legionella legislation 2018 and   case of system changes, renovations, positive
            following are:                                       outcome of bacteria examinations with legionella
            • Legislative Decree 81/08, “Consolidated Text on    values above the threshold) 2 − Legionella risk ma-
            Health and Safety at Work”, offers information on    nagement: measures to prevent legionella (aimed
            the guarantee of hygiene of the workplace and wor-   at maintaining the concentration of microorganisms
            kers’ health.                                        present in drinking water within the limits establi-
            Regarding Legionella infection, it is the same law   shed by law) and appointment of a Responsible
            text to establish guidelines for prevention and con-  for monitoring and verification of activities. All me-
            trol, and the measures to be taken for the control of   asures to prevent legionella (extraordinary mainte-
            legionella in the workplace.                         nance, use of products and specific equipment for
                                                                 disinfection by legionella) must be reported in the
            •  State-Regions Agreement 2013 and 2015 (79/        Register of Interventions.
            CSR of 07/05/2015) integrates the indications of
            the previous national guidelines (‘Guidelines for the   3 - Risk communication: information and aware-
            prevention and control of Legionella infections, G.U.   ness-raising activities aimed at plant managers,
            5 May 2000; “Guidelines containing indications on    technicians, category associations and responsibi-
            legionella infection for managers of tourist and spa   lities of public buildings.
            facilities” and “Guidelines containing indications to
            laboratories with activities of microbiological dia-

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