P. 58

Air systems treatment guidelines

            According to BPR Regulation (Biocidal Products Re-
            gulation) (EU) 528/2012 biocidal products are:
            • any substance or mixture, in the form in which it
            is supplied to the user, consisting of, containing or
            generating one or more active ingredients, with the
            intention of destroying, putting off, rendering harm-
            less, preventing the action of, or otherwise exerting
            a  controlling  effect on,  any  harmful  organism  by
            any means other than mere physical or mechanical
            •  any substance or mixture, generated from sub-
            stances or mixtures which do not themselves fall un-
            der the first indent, to be used with the intention of
            destroying, putting off, rendering harmless, preven-
            ting the action of, or otherwise exerting a controlling   plication. To date none of the disinfectants
            effect on, any harmful organism by any means other    in use is able to fully meet all these requiremen-
            than mere physical or mechanical action.              ts:  it  will therefore  be necessary to  choose,  on a
            • a treated article that has a primary biocidal fun-  case-by-case basis, the product and the conditions
            ction shall be considered a biocidal product;         of use most appropriate to the achievement of the
            Below are the active ingredients authorized under     health objectives limiting to a minimum the poten-
            the BPR regulation for PT2 applications:              tial negative effects that may result from their use.
            • Sodium hypochlorite (active chlorine)               Although there are no definitive specific data on ef-
            • Propan-2-ol (synonyms: isopropanol; isopropyl al-   ficacy against SARS-CoV-2, the results from tests
            cohol)                                                performed on other coronaviruses indicate that any
            Therefore: any product that carries on the label the   type of disinfectant that, pursuant to current legi-
            words “Product approved according to EU Regula-       slation, claims to have a nonspecific or specific
            tion 528/2012 reg. No. 123456789”, which contains     virucidal action, is capable of inactivating this
            the active ingredients indicated in the ISS report, is   type of virus, less resistant than others, without en-
            a product suitable for surface disinfection opera-    velope (“naked” viruses).”
            For the purpose of appropriate use, it should be no-  Some effective solutions
            ted  that the  various  products  for disinfection (with   Hypochlorous acid
            specific properties against micro-organisms) are dif-  The hypochlorous acid contained in WL-ASETTIX,
            ferent from cleaners and sanitizers with which, the-  chemical formula HClO, owes its disinfectant ca-
            refore, should not be confused.                       pabilities to the presence of a chlorine atom with
            For the latter, among other things, there is no prior   oxidation number +1, which makes it highly oxidi-
            authorization but must be conformed to the legisla-   zing.  The product can be atomized to saturation
            tion on cleaners (sanitizers for the environment) or   for a treatment of the air and the hardly reachable
            on cosmetic products (sanitizers) for skin) or other   surfaces. For these activities it is possible to dilute
            relevant legislation.                                 it up to 150 mg/L of active chlorine (dilution 30%
            The report of the ISS No. 33 of 25 May 2020 mentio-   with preferably demineralized, osmotized or distil-
            ned above, in addition to explaining in detail the role   led water) and atomize it. Once sanitizing is carried
            that air conditioning and ventilation systems play in   out, it is necessary to let the fog remain in suspen-
            the spread of the virus, dedicates an entire chapter   sion inside the closed environment and empty at
            to routine maintenance and cleaning of such plants:   least 15 minutes (time considered sufficient for the
            “The ideal disinfectant should meet a number of es-   action of disinfectants/sanitizers) before removing
            sential requirements that can be summarized in: ra-   any excess product with a clean cloth, without rin-
            pid and persistent action; biocidal activity with broad   sing. For use in hygienic tunnels aimed at sanitizing
            spectrum of action; absence of with indications for   goods, equipments and persons, it is possible to
            humans, the environment and the materials to be       dilute the product up to 150 mg/L of active chlorine
            treated under normal conditions of use; ease of ap-   (dilution 30% with water preferably demineralized,

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