P. 55

Air systems treatment guidelines

            On February 11, 2020, WHO announced that re-         staphylococci (cocci arranged in clusters); strepto-
            spiratory disease caused by the new coronavirus      cocci (cocci arranged in chains); streptobacilli (ba-
            was called COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease). The      cilli arranged in chains)
            2020 pandemic has put the spotlight on the impor-    •  vibrions, comma shape
            tance of sanitation of areas, understood as a set of   •  Spirilli, spiral shape
            surfaces and equipment for air treatment.            •  spirochete, corkscrew

            Climate and Covid                                    Bacteria also divide according to their possibility to
                                                                 live or not in the presence of oxygen. They are:
            With the ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità/Higher    •  aerobic: they breathe oxygen and live in an envi-
            Institute of Health) report no. 33/2020 of 25 May    ronment where oxygen is present. They grow only
            2020,  “Indications on ventilation/air conditioning   in the presence of O2.
            systems in non-sanitary community facilities and     •  anaerobic: they live in oxygen-free environmen-
            in domestic environments in relation to the spre-    ts, and die if they are placed in an environment with
            ad of SARS-CoV-2 virus” reference to sanitization    oxygen. They are, for example, intestinal bacteria.
            as the sum of two phases, a thorough cleansing,      •  other anaerobes: they live and grow even in the
            during which dirt and organic material are remo-     absence of O2, but their growth is faster in the pre-
            ved from the surfaces,  followed by an effective     sence of 02.
            disinfection. There are several publications regar-
            ding the products to be used for cleaning and disin-
            fection operations, and over time they have become  Bacteria and health risks
            increasingly specific. We just mention one of the    One of the most dangerous bacteria we can find in
            most recent, the ISS Covid-19 Report No. 19 dated    the environments intended for human use, is Le-
            April 25, 2020:                                      gionella. Legionella is a microorganism commonly
            “The ECDC (European Center for Disease Preven-       found in nature, where it is mainly associated with
            tion and Control) guidelines reports that, in princi-  the presence of water, whether it be rivers, lakes,
            ple, cleaning with water and normal cleaners and     reservoirs, thermal springs or human use when it
            disinfection with common disinfectant products is    flows out of our taps.  Today, the infections caused
            per sé sufficient, as a first intervention, for the de-  by Legionella are a serious problem and concern
            contamination of surfaces even if no specific evi-   due to the ever-increasing presence of the bacteria
            dence of their effectiveness on SARS-CoV-2 is still   in the hot water of our homes, hotels, campsites,
            available.”                                          swimming pools, hospitals, nursing homes, and in
            There is also a regulatory reference, UNI EN 15780   any situation where the water temperature is at le-
            “Ventilation of buildings - Pipelines - Cleaning of   ast 25°C.  It certainly does not help the return of
            ventilation systems”, which describes the ways to    centralized systems and large volumes of accumu-
            evaluate and clean the ventilation systems of bu-    lation of domestic hot water, due in some cases to
            ildings. Therefore, it emerges once again that the   the presence of solar systems, thus putting in di-
            operations, in strict order, of cleaning and disin-  scussion the safety also in the residential sector,
            fection are indissoluble.                            where Legionella risk is increasingly high. But not

            Bacteria                                             only ... High and dangerous concentrations can be
                                                                 detected even in air conditioning units made up of
            Bacteria are unicellular microorganisms that, ba-    cooling towers, evaporative coolers or air humidi-
            sed on the shape they have, take different names.    fiers. We are often faced with this problem in exi-
            Their classification is wide: they are divided both   sting systems where there are already many issues
            according to their ability to survive with or without   such as corrosion, limescale, dead circuit branches
            oxygen and depending on the physical-pathologi-      in which there is no continuous water circulation,
            cal aspect. To study them it is necessary to set up   and accumulations are not regularly monitored, all
            a growth medium that allows to evaluate growth,      these are aspects that favour the growth of Legio-
            number, speed and motility, but not only. The infor-  nella itself.
            mation that is obtained allows also to understand
            the virulence of the bacteria and consequently its
            importance in therapeutic and prognostic terms.
            If distinguished by their shape, they are called:
            •  bacilli, stick shape
            • cocci, if they are spherical: diplococci (2 cocci);

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