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by different systems (e.g. respiratory, digestive or
                                                                 uro-genital system) or general (systemic) if it spre-
                                                                 ads throughout the body. Some types of viruses
                                                                 can be fought with effective drugs or prevented due
                                                                 to specific vaccination.

                                                                 Focus on Covid-19
                                                                 Coronaviruses (CoV) are a wide family of respira-

                                                                 tory viruses that can cause mild to moderate dise-
                                                                 ases, from the common cold to respiratory syndro-
                                                                 mes such as MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory
                                                                 Syndrome, Middle East respiratory syndrome) and
                                                                 SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome, Seve-
                                                                 re acute respiratory syndrome) They are called so
                                                                 due to the crown shaped tips that are present on
                                                                 their surface. A new coronavirus is a new strain of
                                                                 coronavirus that has never been previously identi-
             Microscopic spore image                             fied in humans. The human coronaviruses known to
            them may give rise to problems through infections,   date, common around the world, are seven, some
            production of toxins or hyperstimulation of the im-
            mune system. Fungal infections can range from re-
            latively benign to other dangerous diseases, such
            as lung histoplasmosis or infections of the species
            Aspergillus in people with impaired immune system.
            Fungi can produce hypersensitivity reactions invol-
            ving the immune system, such as allergies, asthma
            and al-three diseases. All these reactions follow the
            inhalation of fungi or related antigens. Especially in
            children there was an increase in these reactions,
            such as asthma, in many countries.


            Viruses are extremely small microorganisms, visi-
            ble only under the electron microscope, consisting
            of genetic material (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a
            protein envelope (capsid) and, often, even in an
            outer membrane made of phospholipides (a type of     Strain of influenza H3M2 showing Glycoprotein on surface,
            fats) and proteins, called pericapside.              with spikes of Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase.

            Viruses and health risks                             identified several years ago (the first in the mid-six-

            Viruses are not able to reproduce (replicate) in-    ties) and some identified in the new millennium.  On
            dependently, but exclusively within the cells of the   January 9, 2020, WHO stated that Chinese health
            tissues of the organism, causing their destruction   authorities identified a new strain of coronavirus ne-
            or, for some particular viruses, transformation into   ver first identified in humans, officially classified un-
            cancer cells.                                        der the name SARS-CoV-2. The virus is associated
            The resistance of viruses in the environment is ex-  with an outbreak of cases of pneumonia registered
            tremely low, although some viruses (for example,     starting December 31, 2019 in the city of Wuhan,
            some respiratory viruses) can survive for a long     Central China.
            time. Viruses can infect people by air, food, throu-
            gh sexual intercourse or through vectors (especial-
            ly insects); they can cause local symptoms borne

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