P. 57

Air systems treatment guidelines


            The importance of maintenance                        Cleaning

            It is necessary to provide adequate prevention me-   As for cleaning operations, no reference is made to
            asures for regular monitoring and suitable main-     specific products: water and generic cleaners are
            tenance of air conditioners. It is also essential to   sufficient for both ordinary sanitization and extra-
            provide for regular cleaning and sanitizing of equip-  ordinary (i.e. the one to be operated as a result of
            ment and installation of filters, at the beginning and   positive case feedback to contamination).
            at the end of the air duct, in order to preserve the
            internal components of the system.                   Disinfection
                                                                 As regards disinfection operations, the ISS shall
                                                                 always specify that products which have a disin-
                                                                 fectant, bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal or any
                                                                 other action aimed at destroying, eliminate or ren-
                                                                 der harmless microorganisms, relapse into distinct
                                                                 regulatory processes: that of Biocide under tran-
                                                                 sitional Legislation (PMC) and that of Biocides.
                                                                 In both cases, before they are placed on the mar-
                                                                 ket, the products must be approved at national or
                                                                 European level.
                                                                 In the ISS report no. 19 is given an analysis of whi-
                                                                 ch products are suitable:

                                                                 Biocide under transitional Legislation (PMC)
                                                                 For Biocide under transitional Legislation (PMC), as re-
                                                                 quired by article 1 of the P.D.R. 392 of 6 October 1998,
                                                                 the following types of products are understood:
                                                                 • disinfectants and substances placed on the market as
                                                                 germicidal or bactericidal
                                                                 • insecticides for domestic and civil use
                                                                 • insect-repellent
                                                                 • rodenticides for domestic and civil use
            Prevention in systems                                The use of PMC products has only national value. The
                                                                 same document explains which are the main active prin-
            In water systems, it is always good practice to pro-  cipals most used in the PMC authorized in Italy, speci-
            vide, along with proper and careful maintenance,     fying the relevant scope.
            an appropriate disinfection treatment in order to
            guarantee the achievement of qualitative parame-     PT1: “products applied to or in contact with the skin
            ters adapted to current requirements, in complian-   or scalp for the main purpose of disinfecting the
            ce with the provisions of law, in particular Legisla-  skin or scalp”
            tive Decree n. 31 of February 2, 2001. Given their
            size, bacteria can penetrate very easily in our hy-  PT2: “disinfectant products not intended for direct
            draulic systems,  often aided by tiny  insects very   application to humans or animals”
            mobile and able of getting in. Once into the system,   Therefore: any product that carries on the label the
            they tend to move on all surfaces of vessels and     wording PMC, with its registration code according
            pipelines, regardless of the materials of which are   to the P.D.R. 392 of 6 October 1998, containing the-
            made of, although some studies show that Biofilm     se active ingredients (and the others indicated in
            (ecological niche that represents for opportunistic   the report) is suitable for surface disinfection.
            pathogenic bacteria an excellent shelter and sour-
            ce of nourishment) grows faster than inside plastic
            pipes compared to metal tubes, since microorgani-
            sms consume the nutrients present in the organic
            content of the material that makes up the pipe itself.

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