P. 53

Air systems treatment guidelines


            Mold and fungus

            Mold and fungi are mono or multi-cellular organi-
            sms that are found almost everywhere: in the soil,
            on plants, on animals, in the air and last but not le-
            ast, in living and working environments. In buildings
            under normal hygienic conditions, where there is no
            active growth of fungi, you can count from 3,000 to
            10,000 spores per cubic meter in air, with a diame-
            ter ranging from 1 to 60 microns. The most common
            species recognized in the interior are Cladospo-
            rium, Penicillium and Aspergillus, but many others
            can also be found. When certain conditions arise,
            mold produces a large amount of mycotoxynes whi-
            ch, when inhaled, can cause health problems. Moi-
            sture is a necessary condition for the germination
            of spores and for the continuous growth of fungi.
            Many buildings, for various reasons, suffer from
            excess moisture  and conditions  that  promote the
            proliferation of these agents: in this case, further
            spores are produced that are dragged by air move-
            ment in the room and tend to colonize other areas.

            The development of mold

                                                                 Representation of the 4 stages of mold development starting
                                                                 from the deposit of a spore on a surface that offers the neces-
                                                                 sary conditions in the form of moisture and organic substan-
                                                                 ces of various kinds.

                                                                 due to the osmotic pressure different from the out-
                                                                 side. Subsequently, the spore to develop the cha-
                                                                 racteristic strands, they are also covered with en-
                                                                 zymes, which, in turn, dissolve additional organic
                                                                 substances and lead to the development of fungi,
                                                                 which can proceed very quickly if the conditions
                                                                 are favourable. They produce other spores that are
                                                                 dragged by air movement into the environment an
                                                                 tend to colonize other areas. The process is traced
                                                                 back to four essential phases illustrated in the figu-
            Conditions that favour, or limit, the development of bacteria, viruses   re. Within 48-72 hours, colonies of mushrooms can
            and various pathologies. As you can see, optimal hygiene conditions
            are produced by relative humidity values between 30% and 60%.  be produced in the mattresses of the suspended
                                                                 ceilings or in the partitions made from plasterboard.

            Mold spores need a source of food to develop and  Muffe e rischi per la salute
            multiply. In  most  cases this  food source  consists   Mold and fungi produce unhealthy conditions in the
            of wet areas with organic materials of various ori-  spaces and are responsible for bad odour release,
            gins. When a spore of mold settles in a favourable   they damage most of the organic substances and
            environment, the enzymes that make up the outer      materials, including fabrics, leathers etc. in addition,
            surface of it solubilizes and, in doing so, it dissolve   of course, to food products. Although most fungi do
            nutrients in close proximity. They are absorbed by   not have direct effects on human health, some of
            the spore through the membrane that envelops it

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